Open AI introduces Sora

Text to Video

Another one. Everyone on social media are going bananas over Open AI’s new tool Sora. I think this tool gonna change the video production industry by accelerating delivery 5X faster. I’m predicting video production agency, social media pages, movies and animated series will be thriving with this tool.

Here are the 4 interesting AI things that I learned and enjoyed this week.

Quantum computing uses qubits, offering faster speeds and better memory than traditional computers. However, quantum systems can lose information easily and turning quantum data into a format we can use is tough. More on this in today’s AI concept segment below. A new approach combines quantum and classical computing, using an algorithm to keep just the right amount of quantum information. This method optimizes how data is stored and used, similar to how image compression works without losing quality. For example, imagine compressing a video to make it easier to send online. This breakthrough could potentially streamline the way we use quantum computing, making it more applicable and efficient for real-world applications.

AI Meme
OpenAI's Sora, a text-to-video tool, is in the spotlight for its ability to transform written content into dynamic videos. Currently its in testing phase but they released a few sample videos and they look crazy. It's useful for explaining tough ideas visually, making promotional videos on a budget, or creatively visualizing anything without spending much. For marketers, Sora offers a cost-effective way to produce high-quality promotional videos without the need for expensive production resources. Waiting eagerly to see if it can turn my ideas in the shower into a cinematic masterpiece. Such a tool could significantly disrupt traditional video production industry.

Quantum computing is a groundbreaking advancement in technology that leverages the strange and counterintuitive principles of quantum mechanics to process information in ways that traditional computers can't. At the core of this technology are quantum bits, or qubits, which are vastly different from the bits used in classical computing. While a classical bit can be in a state of either 0 or 1, a qubit can exist in a state of 0, 1, or both simultaneously, thanks to the phenomena known as superposition. This allows quantum computers to perform multiple calculations at once. Moreover, qubits can be entangled, meaning the state of one qubit can depend on the state of another, no matter the distance between them. This entanglement and superposition enable quantum computers to solve complex problems more efficiently than their classical counterparts.

How to get into AI field for beginners? Follow these steps

  • Identify Your Current Skills: Pinpoint your existing skills, like project management or technical writing, which are valuable in many fields.

  • Identify Transferable Skills: Understand how your skills can translate to AI, such as a product manager's ability to write clear specifications mirroring the precision needed for AI prompt engineering.

  • Train Yourself: Dive into AI through courses and projects to grasp the industry, key players, and the technology itself, similar to how a marketing professional might explore AI's impact on consumer analytics.

  • Build AI-Related Points on Your Resume: Enhance your resume with AI involvement, like starting an AI-focused blog or consulting for AI startups, to demonstrate your initiative and knowledge.

  • Give It Time (Six Months): Transitioning takes time, so engage consistently with AI content and projects, and try incorporating AI elements into your current role, ensuring AI becomes a fundamental part of your professional growth.

⏭️ Stay curious, keep questioning.